What is

New startup based in Finland consisting of healthcare professionals creating highly motivating,
measurable, scalable immersive rehabilitation solutions.
Using exciting gamified features. Benefiting both clinicians and patients.

Todays tech and interactive immersive experiences allow measurably better and brand-new ways to improve patients quality of life and even speed up rehabilitation.
Our team has a background of 30+ years in the physical therapy industry, our main focus is helping the patient.
Its fun
Make rehabilitation fun again. Not a political reference, rather our mission.
Our product is designed to meet the many needs of different kinds of rehabilitation.
We produce fun, exciting and captivating games for the elderly, adults, youth and children.
Can effectively solve the limitations of traditional rehabilitation and save manpower. It can provide a training environment similar to the real world or make it way different, exciting and imaginative.
Immersive technology can improve patients quality of life, so that their field of activity is no longer limited to a home, a room, or even a bed, making the treatment process full of fun and improving the patient’s optimism.
NERPHY is a registered EU-trademark of Nerphy Oy. Any commercial use of the trademark without specific consent from Nerphy Oy is prohibited